How to Compress a Gas Strut for Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to compress gas struts

Have you ever encountered difficulties when trying to compress a gas strut? It’s crucial to understand that manually compressing a gas strut is incorrect and can be dangerous. In this blog post, we will explain why and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to properly install a gas strut without the need for manual compression. By following these instructions, you can ensure a safe and hassle-free installation process.

2. Understanding the Pressure Range

Gas struts manufactured in the Apexstone factory have a pressure filling range, ranging from 30N to 1000N. While it may be possible to manually compress a gas strut with a pressure below 100N, the higher the pressure, the more challenging it becomes. If the internal pressure is excessively high, manually compressing the gas springs becomes extremely difficult. In certain instances, applying excessive force has resulted in the breakage of metal rods without successfully compressing the gas strut. This underscores the point made earlier that manual compression is not only incorrect but also carries significant risks.

Hence, the proper approach to compressing the gas shocks is to install them correctly, enabling natural compression within the device.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Installing a Gas Strut

3.1 Verify the Correct Size

Selecting the appropriate size of the gas strut for your specific application is essential. If you have chosen the wrong size, we recommend selecting the correct size before installing it. To do this effectively, you can refer to this article and learn how to measure gas struts .

3.2 Open the Lid to the Maximum Angle

To initiate the installation process, open the lid of the object (e.g., a box lid, a cabinet door) to its maximum angle.

Using gas struts to lift up the cabinet doors

3.3 Connect the Shock Connector

Locate the piston heads at both ends of the gas strut and sequentially connect them to the pre-installed brackets on the lid.

3.4 Testing the Compression and Extension

Testing the gas struts

As you slowly close the lid, carefully observe the gas strut’s performance. You’ll notice that the gas strut naturally compresses itself. When you open the door, it will effortlessly lift up automatically, demonstrating a successful installation. This is the correct way to compress the gas struts.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, manually compressing a gas strut for installation is not recommended and can be hazardous. By following the correct installation method outlined in this blog post, you can easily install a gas strut without the need for pre-compression. Remember to choose the right size gas strut for your specific requirements to ensure a smooth and safe installation process. Stay safe and enjoy the benefits of a properly installed gas strut!