Excel Worksheets Basics – A Beginner’s Guide

Overview of Excel workbooks

This is an overview.

What Is an Excel Worksheet?

Excel worksheet

An Excel worksheet is a grid-based document used for organizing and analyzing numerical data. The worksheet consists of rows and columns, forming cells where users can input and manipulate data. Each intersection of a row and a column is called a cell, and each cell can contain text, numbers, formulas, or functions. Users can perform various calculations, create lists or charts, and organize data in a structured manner.

How to Create an Excel Worksheet

Selection of the Blank workbook option

Creating a blank Excel worksheet

How to Add New Worksheets in Your Workbook

Click on the plus (+) symbol

Insert a new sheet

Note: You can insert a new worksheet by Pressing Shift + F11.

How to Rename a Worksheet

Selection of the Rename option from the Context menu

Rename the sheet name

How to Activate a Worksheet

Left Clicking the Sheet Name

Using the Keyboard and the Mouse

Ctrl + Left Click: You can Scroll to the last sheet

Right Click: You can See all sheets

To activate January, right-click the right arrow.

Right click on the right arrow

Activate window

Activate the January sheet

How to Move a Worksheet Tab in an Excel Workbook

Selection of the January sheet tab

January will be displayed after February.

Move a worksheet tab in an Excel workbook

How to Change the Direction of an Excel Sheet From the Right to the Left or from the Left to the Right

The Excel sheet direction is from the left to the right by default.

Excel sheet direction from left to right

1. Changing the Excel Sheet Direction from Left-to-Right to Right-to-Left

Check the Show sheet right-to-left checkbox

Excel sheet direction from right to left

2. Changing the Excel Sheet Directions from Right-to-Left to Left-to-Right

Uncheck the Show sheet right-to-left checkbox

The direction was changed from the right to the left.

Changing the direction from right to left

How to Delete a Worksheet in Excel

Click on the Delete option

Press the Delete option from the Microsoft Excel window

Delete the Sheet2

How to Copy a Worksheet in Excel

Within the Same Workbook

Selection of the Move or Copy option

Move or Copy dialog box

The copied sheet (January (2)) is before March.

Copied sheet January (2) before the sheet March

To Another Workbook

Open both workbooks. You will copy January (2) in the Excel Worksheets.xlsx workbook to the Scrolling in Excel.xlsm workbook.

Choose the Move or Copy option

Copy January (2) sheet from one workbook to another workbook

January (2) in the Excel Worksheets.xlsx workbook was copied to Scrolling in Excel.xlsm workbook before the Smooth Scrolling sheet.

Copying sheet

How to Hide and Unhide Sheets in Excel

Hiding a Sheet in Excel

Selection of the Hide option

February is hidden from the sheet tab.

Hide the February sheet

Unhiding Sheet in Excel

Selection of the Unhide option

Unhide dialog box

Unhide the hidden sheet

How to Group and Ungroup Worksheets in Excel

Grouping Adjacent and Nonadjacent Worksheets

Non-adjacent worksheet tabs: Click any sheet tab >> Press and hold Ctrl>> Select the sheets you want to group.

Adjacent worksheet tabs: Select any sheet tab >> Press and hold Shift, click the leftmost or rightmost sheet tab.

Ungrouping Adjacent and Nonadjacent Worksheets

Note: You can also ungroup the worksheets by clicking any unselected sheet tab.

How to Protect an Excel Worksheet

Selection of the Protect Sheet option

Entering password to protect sheet

March is protected with a password.

Reentering password to protect sheet

Microsoft Excel warning box

Click here to enlarge image

How to Change a Worksheet Tab Color in Excel

By default, the color of a sheet tab is white. Observe the GIF below.

How to Compare Excel Sheets

1. Compare Excel Sheets with the View Tab

In the Same Workbook

Selection of the New Window feature

A new workbook window will open.

Arrange windows

Both workbook windows are vertically displayed.

Arrange workbook windows vertically to compare sheets

Click here to enlarge image

Click here to enlarge image

Different Workbooks

Select the View Side by Side feature

The Synchronous Scrolling command will automatically be enabled for both workbooks.

Opening workbooks on one screen

Click here to enlarge image

2. Compare Excel Sheets with Conditional Formatting

Selection of the New Rule command


Using conditional formatting formula

Choose color from the Fill tab

New Formatting Rule window

Highlighting the different values between January and February sheets

Click here to enlarge image

How to Zoom In and Out in Excel Worksheets

Observe the GIF.

How to Resize the Excel Window or View Excel in Full Screen

Maximize, Minimize, and Close label icon

Full Screen View mode in Excel

Click here to enlarge image

Note: You can also exit the Full Screen View mode by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F1 keys.

How to Limit Excel Sheet Size

1. Hide Unused Rows and Columns

Here, rows up to 14 and columns up to E in the June sheet will be hidden.

Selection of the unused columns

Columns are hidden.

Hidden unused columns

Selection of the unused rows

Unused rows in June are hidden.

Hidden unused rows

2. Using the Developer Properties Command to Limit Excel Sheet Size

Setting the limit of the scroll area to limit the sheet size

Your Excel sheet is limited to the range $A$1:$E$20.

3. Using a VBA Code to Limit Sheet Size

Selection of the Module command

Sub Limit_Sheet_Size() Dim lss As Worksheet Set lss = ActiveSheet lss.ScrollArea = "$A$1: $E$20" End Sub

Copy and Paste VBA code in the Module

How to Split Excel Sheets

Selection of teh Split command

Your sheet is split into four panes.

Split Excel sheet

How to Count the Number of Sheets in an Excel Workbook


Using SHEETS function to count total sheets

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